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Massage for Cancer, Oncology Massage, Scar tissue release, Scar massage, myo fascial release, cranio sacral therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, palliative massage

Your massage begins with my hands on your back, inviting you to come back to your breath. Allowing you to become present, out of your head, and connect with your body.

This is your time to honour your body and reconnect to you.


Please allow extra time for your initial visit to discuss your needs for the massage.



Oncology Massage

A nurturing, safe massage modified for those living with cancer, in recovery, or in palliative care.


If you or your loved one have cancer this massage provides a moment solely focused on you. Helping to increase the quality of life and to help ease the burden, pain, and restrictions associated with cancer and its treatments.


Oncology Massage has been shown to reduce the side effects of cancer and its treatment such as:


  • After surgery -  (such as in breast lumpectomy or mastectomy) - helping decrease swelling (oedema), numbness, scarring, tenderness, restrictions

  • Increasing range of motion.

  • Helping to relieve and cope with the side effects of chemotherapy such as pain, nausea, constipation, anxiety, fatigue and insomnia.

  • Softening the after effects of radiotherapy, such as tightness, limited range of motion, tissue hardening or fibrosis.

  • Relief of symptoms of the disease such as pain, fatigue, nausea, anxiety and depression.

  • Joint or bone pain from cancer medications such as letrozole, tamoxifen or zemata

  • May also help relieve peripheral neuropathy



Therapeutic Massage

full body, holistic massage which helps to de stress the whole system. My signature treatment, combining the benefits of varied techniques such as Ka Huna Hawaiian massage using the forearm with long fluid strokes, Remedial, Myo Fascial Release, Cranio Sacral Therapy, and Reflexology. From my wealth of knowledge, whatever you need on the day, is what I will blend into the massage. Deeply relaxing, while also focusing on addressing areas of tightness or imbalance. Lots of time is included on your scalp, head, hands and feet. All of these areas are major access points to induce a deep sense of relaxation, which directly influence the whole body to come back to a state of balance.


Remedial Massage

This style of massage specifically works on areas of tightness, pain or tension in the body. Helping to alleviate pain associated with your specific problem, while also restoring balance in the body. Easing back the layers slowly with Myo Fascial Release techniques, working with a slow, deeper pressure allowing the tissue and fascia to soften at the bodies own pace. 


In contrast to relaxation or therapeutic massage, a remedial massage is primarily focused on your areas of concern.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is used for the management or prevention of lymphoedma in cancer patients or for those with primary lymphodema. MLD is a gentle massage technique which is used to help relieve pain and swelling or to prevent lymphoedema in cancer patients after having treatment such as radiotherapy or surgery to remove lymph nodes. Using light touch to move excess lymph and fluid out of compromised areas and back into the lymphatic vessels, helping the excess fluid flow and drain towards healthy lymph nodes. Thereby helping with swelling, softening tissue, easing pain and restriction in the limb or part of the body affected.

Palliative Massage

Touch is such a powerful aide, especially for those who are in pain with a terminal illness. Touch allows us to feel safe, worthwhile and reminds us of who we are.

Stimulating the release of endorphins, the bodies natural pain suppressors, gentle touch massage brings comfort and can help a person feel peaceful, cared for, easing isolation and loneliness.


These gentle techniques can be shown to family and loved ones, encouraging loving touch and connection in this time.


In the words of the wonderful hospice massage pioneer, Irene Smith

"A primary reason to touch dying persons is that touch reminds those in pain and suffering of their loveliness, their beauty.

In turn, I am reminded of mine."

Massage for Chronic illness

This style of massage helps increase the quality of life for those living with chronic illness, disease, chronic pain or anxiety.


With gentle, soothing massage using slow, lengthening and calming strokes to the muscles elicits a relaxation response in the body. Talking directly to the nervous system, the body can be quickly switched out of flight or fight, red alert, and back into the parasympathetic system, also known as 'rest and digest'. Your body may then breathe optimally, heal, digest, and relax. Closing what is known as the "gate of pain" by soothing and distracting nerve and pain receptors to the brain. The outcome of massage helps alleviate pain and discomfort, opening the chemical pathways for endorphins and serotonin, flooding the system with feel-good mood enhancers, and increasing feelings of well-being.


Massage also increases circulation for those that are bed-bound, assisting with range of motion of the joints, and helping to alleviate swelling and sleep disturbance. 




Pregnancy Massage

A well needed, full body massage for the expectant mum, helping to connect mum and baby. This nurturing massage helps to support the body adjust to all the stages and changes of pregnancy. Offering relief to those expanding joints, aches and pains. Performed on a pregnancy table where, (depending on the postion of your baby), you can comfortably lie on your tummy into the 3rd trimester. 


An ancient healing and holistic massage for the feet. Stimulating the acupressure points, Reflexology works by directly influencing and balancing all the organs and systems of the body.


When in a state of imbalance or disease, the body's 'qi', life force or flow of energy stagnates. Reflexology helps by encouraging the flow of qi within the body, so it is more able to heal itself and return to a state of balance or homeostasis. 


Especially beneficial for those with anxiety, chronic illness, ill health, or pregnancy. Helping to alleviate nausea, pain, insomnia or anxiety.


To help aid the healing process, your session can also be combined with a guided imagery meditation.

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a style of Energy Healing that works by strengthening the flow of energy or 'Qi' through the pathways, (meridians) of the body. When the body is in a state of imbalance with pain or disease, the energy can become stagnated or blocked. Reiki helps to clear the Qi throughout these pathways, thereby promoting balance, decreasing pain and enhancing the body's natural ability to fight illness and heal itself. 


Intuitively guided, the hands are gently placed on or hovering just over the body. Focus on the breath, meditation, visualisations,  colour breathing and chakra balancing may also be used within the treatment. 


Performed with the client fully-clothed, this is a safe and non-invasive technique. Especially beneficial for those with chronic illness, cancer, anxiety, post-surgery or for the terminally ill. Helping to reduce pain and anxiety, while inducing calm and peace.

Cranio Sacral Therapy

Cranio Sacral therapy is a light touch therapy that helps to relieve fascial restrictions in the body while balancing the flow of cerebral spinal fluid within the spine and nervous system.


May help with:

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain 

  • Headaches or Migraines

  • Nervous system disorders

Myo Fascial Release

The fascial system in the body is an inter web of connective tissue that covers, surrounds and supports every muscle, organ, joint and nerve within the body. Myo Fascial release uses a slow, consistent pressure and stretch, allowing the fascia to melt and soften. Innately unwinding and unraveling any tightly held restrictions.


May help to relieve:


  • Back or Neck Pain

  • Tightness

  • Stress 

  • Restricted movement

  • TMJ

  • Headaches







Gentle and mindful Scar Tissue massage techniques help the body heal more quickly from surgeries such as lumpectomy, mastectomy, c-section or reconstructive surgery (TRAM, DIEP & TUG Flap).


Depending on the type of cancer, restriction or issue, Scar tissue massage may also be combined with techniques such as Lymphatic Drainage, Myofascial Release, or Cranio Sacral therapy to help relieve swelling, tightness or restriction. 


Softening scars, while enhancing and speeding up the recovery process within the tissues. Helpful to relieve:


  • Tightness and restrictions 

  • Limited Range of motion (such as lifting the arm after lumpectomy or mastectomy

  • Pain

  • Reduce keloid scarring.

  • Helps to soften and release cording, (axillary web syndrome)

  • Release adhesions

  • Soften radiation induced fibrosis or tissue hardening relating to cancer treatment. 

  • Help aid swelling or lymphoedema connected to a scar 

Scar Tissue Release

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